jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Society & Technology

Well nowadays is very common that almost everybody has a cellphone or an ipod, etc...
Also now all the people has a computer becuase now you can´t leave without a computer, it has become like the fundamentel key to get a job or doing a homework. Besides it's a very helpful tool, cause it allows the user to make their task in a very short time, so you don´t have to spend to much time in seeking for something you just have to google it and it´s done, that easy is now to search for information.
Also we have the opportunity to exchange information through the world wide web (www), something that allows us to be able to talk with somebody from another country or continent and get the answers of that conversation in a very short time.
The technology es something that iss changing the way we leave, communicate and exchange information, not because it makes your work easier it's beacuse the technology is something that shows that the humans can create whatever we want, we just have to have the knowledge of what we wan to create and it will be done.

Now the society can´t leave without technology, like for example there's people that has more than one cellphone, something that shows that technology is now parto of our lifes'. Another curious point is that in El Salvador there are more cellphones than people.
So that's why technology is one of the greatest creations from humans, beacuse it can help to save lifes, cure diseases, etc....
So learn how to use it, because you never known when you might have to use it and it also might save your life!..

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